Automate and integrate risk prioritization and management
Helm provides many ways to ensure you have a comprehensive and accurate view of your overall risk that is tailored to your product's particular security posture, enabling you to spend your limited time on the vulnerabilities that matter most.
Bulk rescoring and remediation
Bulk rescore all vulnerabilities according to your product's security posture, ensuring you're focusing on the most exploitable vulnerabilities. Toggle on auto-update to automatically rescore vulnerabilities that have exploitability and fixability changes.
Bulk remediate vulnerabilities across one or more products or components.
Bulk patch Windows vulnerabilities across a product version or multiple products by aligning digital KB patch levels with their physical device counterparts, or by leveraging our Windows KB patch recommendations.
Auto-enrich data
Set rules to automatically update component Level of support and EOS/EOL information across all products, ensuring consistency and regulatory compliance.
All vulnerabilities are automatically updated with severity and exploitability information.
Reload components to automatically add missing licenses (only for components that do not already have associated licensing information), ensuring you're not missing valuable license risk that could even impact your IP.
If we identify inaccurate CPEs or PURLs in your SBOM, Helm will attempt to provide an enriched CPE or PURL that matches to the correct software.
Auto-rescore all vulnerabilities that have exploitability or fixability updates.
Automate and integrate
For components we're unable to match, you can create aliases to automatically match these to known software for future SBOMs.
Use our Helm API to automate many tasks, such as creating product versions, uploading SBOMs, returning all vulnerabilities and generating reports, as well as returning only unmatched components or only CISA KEV vulnerabilities.
Integrate our GitHub action your CI/CD process or use it independently to automate product version creation and SBOM uploads.
Integrate our Microsoft Azure DevOps extension into your CI/CD pipeline to automate product version creation and SBOM uploads.
Compliance and reporting
Export your FDA-ready SBOM to ensure you have everything you need for FDA submission.
Last updated
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